Short Business Description
Online courses for gifted kids & teens
Long Business Description

Athena's Advanced Academy


Athena’s Advanced Academy creates an inspiring learning environment with dynamic, interactive online courses with live weekly webinars for gifted and talented students, including 2e.

We help parents educate their gifted children so they can nurture their child’s development to the highest potential. Dedicated, passionate educators support and encourage Athena’s students to develop their talents and grow into confident, proficient lifelong learners. 

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Long Business Description

Pacific Sands Academy - K-12

Through independent studies and exploration of their interests, at Pacific Sands Academy our students have an opportunity to earn high school credits. Our goal is to help foster self-learners and life-long learners. Through our support network, families find inspiration, encouragement, and confidence in their Santa Cruz homeschool programs.

We open doors for teens to continue their education beyond high school without pressure to follow specific directions, creating a positive learning experience at their own pace. We do not have a required curriculum. You have absolute power to choose the curriculum that best suits your family, and for families who want it, we help you find a curriculum that best matches your needs. For our teens, we come up with ideas and educational plans that become a unique curriculum for each teen.

Pacific Sands Academy in Scotts Valley, CA provides an opportunity for teens and families to pursue an alternative education with a true sense of freedom. Our core offering is a personalized, alternative high school program for students.  ~  (831) 515-8250  ~ 216 Mt. Herman Road Suite E, Scotts Valley