Power of Community, Relationship, and Student Voice

Virtual CA

Power of Community, Relationship, and Student Voice May 11 from 6pm - 8pm The Santa Cruz County Office of Education invites students, educators, and families to attend our next Equity Series topic: The Power of Community, Relationship, and Student Voice on May 11 from 6pm - 8pm. We hope you will join us. Please share […]

Recurring Event Attend A SafeTALK Workshop

Attend A SafeTALK Workshop

Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE) 400 Encinal St, Santa Cruz, CA

Attend A SafeTALK Workshop Novvember 8, 9am - 1pm  and Dec.ember 8, 10am - 2pm Attend a free safeTALK workshop on recognizing the warning signs of suicide.  SafeTALK , or Suicide Alertness for Everyone, is a 4-hour training that provides training in suicide alertness, equipping participants with the knowledge to recognize when a person might be having thoughts of suicide and how […]


Recurring Event Attend A SafeTALK Workshop

Attend A SafeTALK Workshop

Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE) 400 Encinal St, Santa Cruz, CA

Attend A SafeTALK Workshop Novvember 8, 9am - 1pm  and Dec.ember 8, 10am - 2pm Attend a free safeTALK workshop on recognizing the warning signs of suicide.  SafeTALK , or Suicide Alertness for Everyone, is a 4-hour training that provides training in suicide alertness, equipping participants with the knowledge to recognize when a person might be having thoughts of suicide and how […]
