Triple P Workshop: Teaching Teens Healthy Eating Habits

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Teaching Teens Healthy Eating Habits Saturday, September 24, 10 - 11:30pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Why it’s important to develop healthy eating habits during adolescence • How to encourage healthy eating • How to identify and handle concerns about teenagers’ eating habits Register to get the Zoom […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Training: Bystander Intervention to Address Gender-based Harassment

Zoom CA, United States

Training: Bystander Intervention to Address Gender-based Harassment Monday, October 3, 5 - 6:30pm Join us for a FREE bilingual community training on Bystander Intervention to Address Gender-based Harassment, presented by Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!). During this training, you’ll learn a clear, adaptable, and expert-approved set of tools that have been proven to reduce the […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Triple P Workshop: Strategies to Help Teens Manage Anxiety

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Strategies to Help Teens Manage Anxiety Saturday, October 15, 10:30am - 12pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes and signs of anxiety in teens • What to do if your teen is anxious • Tips for helping teens develop healthy coping skills Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom […]


Triple P Workshop: How to Help Your Child Deal With Bullying

La Manzana Community Resources 18 W. Lake Ave, Suite E, Watsonville, CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: How to Help Your Child Deal With Bullying Tuesday, October 1, 6 - 7:30pm Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • How to recognize different types of bullying • Common reasons why children bully others • What you can do if your child is being bullied Where: Live Oak Community Resources […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Triple P Workshop: Balancing Work & Family

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Balancing Work & Family Saturday 1 - 2pm, October 22 Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common challenges with balancing work and family responsibilities • Tools to help prevent work-related stress from affecting your home life • Tips for setting healthy boundaries between work life and home life Presented […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Seminario Triple P: El poder de ser padres positivos

Zoom CA, United States

Seminario Triple P: El poder de ser padres positivos Tuesday, November 1,  5:30 - 7pm Inscríbase: Asista a este seminario virtual para aprender cómo: • Brindar entornos de aprendizaje positivos para los niños. • Usar una disciplina efectiva. • Tener expectativas realistas y a cuidar de usted mismo(a). Presentado en español por Zoom. Estos […]


Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Parenting Group (for families with children 2 – 12 years old) Thursdays, September 15 – November 3, at 6 – 7:30 pm Attend this 8-week virtual Triple P Group to meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you: • Strengthen relationships in your family • Encourage positive behaviors • Teach […]


Enseñando hábitos para comer saludablemente a los adolescentes

La Manzana Community Resources 18 W. Lake Ave, Suite E, Watsonville, CA, United States

Enseñando hábitos para comer saludablemente a los adolescentes Monday, November 7,  5:30 - 7pm Inscríbase en línea en: Asista a este taller GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Por qué es importante desarrollar hábitos de comer saludablemente durante la adolescencia • Cómo animar hábitos de comer saludablemente • Cómo identificar y tratar con las […]


Taller Triple P: Estrategias para ayudar a los adolescentes a manejar la ansiedad

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Estrategias para ayudar a los adolescentes a manejar la ansiedad Thursday, November 10, 6 - 7:30pm Inscríbase: Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Causas comunes y señales de ansiedad en los adolescentes • Qué hacer si su adolescente es ansioso • Consejos para ayudar a los […]


Seminario Triple P: Cómo criar hijos resistentes

Zoom CA, United States

Seminario Triple P: Cómo criar hijos resistentes Tuesday, November 15, 5:30 - 7pm Inscríbase: Asista a este seminario virtual para aprender cómo ayudar a sus hijos a: • Expresar sentimientos de manera adecuada. • Desarrollar una perspectiva positiva. • Manejar situaciones estresantes de la vida. Presentado en español por Zoom. Estos seminarios virtuales Triple […]
