Preparing Children to Have Visitors

Zoom CA, United States

Preparing Children to Have Visitors Register: Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0 – 12 years old) to learn: - What your child might be trying to communicate through their behavior -Why behavior problems can occur […]


Setting Healthy Screen Time Limits

Zoom CA, United States

Setting Healthy Screen Time Limits Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0 – 12 years old) to learn: • How “screen time” (TV, computers, tablets, phones, video games) can […]


Preparando a los niños a tener visitas

Zoom CA, United States

Preparando a los niños a tener visitas Inscribase para este taller gratuito por Zoom: Taller de Triple P: Preparando a los niños a tener visitas Los talleres de Triple P ofrecen consejos prácticos y estrategias para manejar las preguntas y desafíos de crianza específicas. Asista a este taller virtual de crianza para para familias […]


Encouraging your Child’s Self Esteem

Zoom CA, United States

Encouraging your Child's Self Esteem Register to get the Zoom meeting link Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with kids of all ages to learn: • Why it's important for children to develop a healthy self-esteem • How […]


Setting healthy screen time limits

Zoom CA, United States

Setting healthy screen time limits Thursday, August 26, 5:30-7pm Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • How “screen time” can affect children’s health and behaviors • Tips for setting screen time limits during the pandemic • What to do if your child refuses to follow […]


Taller Virtual de Triple P: Ya es tiempo de entrenar para ir al baño

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Virtual de Triple P: Ya es tiempo de entrenar para ir al baño Lunes, el 30 de agosto, 2021, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Los talleres de Triple P ofrecen consejos prácticos y estrategias para manejar las preguntas y desafíos de crianza específicas. Asista a este taller virtual de crianza para para familias con niños […]


Taller Virtual Triple P: Enseñando a los niños a compartir y cooperar

Zoom CA, United States

Enseñando a los niños a compartir y cooperar Miercoles, Decembre 15, 6 - 7:30pm Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo enseñarle a su hijo a compartir con sus hermanos y otras personas • Formas sencillas de fomentar el intercambio y la cooperación • Qué hacer si su hijo no […]


Taller Virtual Triple P Como ayudar a su hijo a lidiar con la intimidación

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Virtual Triple P Como ayudar a su hijo a lidiar con la intimidación Monday, Jan 24, 5:30 - 7pm Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo reconocer los diferentes tipos de intimidación • Las razones más comunes por qué los niños intimidan a otros • Qué puede hacer si […]


Triple P Workshop: How to build communication and problem-solving skills in children and teens

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: How to build communication and problem-solving skills in children and teens Thursday, February 24, 9 - 11am Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • How to teach children and teens communication skills • How to help children and teens to express emotions in healthy, appropriate ways • Tips for teaching […]


Taller Triple P: Cómo desarrollar habilidades de comunicación y resolución de problemas en los niños y adolescentes

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Cómo desarrollar habilidades de comunicación y resolución de problemas en los niños y adolescentes Thursday, February 24, 9 - 11am Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo enseñarles a los niños y adolescentes habilidades de comunicación • Cómo enseñarle a los niños y adolescentes a expresar emociones […]


Triple P Virtual Workshop: Promoting Positive Behaviors at School

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Virtual Workshop: Promoting Positive Behaviors at School Monday, Feb. 28,  5:30 - 7pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common reasons why behavior problems occur at school • How to involve your child in improving their behavior at school • Tips for working with your child’s teacher to promote positive […]


Taller Virtual Triple P: Enseñando a los niños a compartir y cooperar

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Virtual Triple P: Enseñando a los niños a compartir y cooperar Sabados, April 16, 10 - 11:30 Taller Virtual Triple P: Enseñando a los niños a compartir y cooperarAsista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo enseñarle a su hijo a compartir con sus hermanos y otras personas • Formas […]


Triple P Workshop: Encouraging Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Encouraging Your Chld’s Self-Esteem Monday, August 14, 5:30 - 7pm Register: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Why it’s important for children to develop healthy self-esteem • How to encourage healthy self-esteem in your child • Tools to help your child cope with feelings and solve problems Presented […]


Triple P Workshop: Developing Good Bedtime Routines

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Developing Good Bedtime Routines Wednesday, September 14, 6 - 7:30pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common reasons why children have difficulty going to bed and sleeping through the night • How to create peaceful bedtime routines that work for the whole family • Tips to help children develop […]


Triple P Workshop: Helping Your Child Deal with Fears

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Helping Your Child Deal with Fears Thursday, October 12, 6 - 7:30pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common reasons why children develop fears • How to help your child manage and face their fears • Coping strategies you can teach your child Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom by […]
