Triple P Workshop: Developing Good Bedtime Routines

Live Oak Community Resources 1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz (Live Oak), CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Developing Good Bedtime Routines Tuesday, june 7, 5:30 - 7pm Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • Common reasons why children have difficulty going to bed and sleeping through the night • How to create peaceful bedtime routines that work for the whole family • Tips to help children develop healthy […]


Triple P Seminar: Raising Competent Teens

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Seminar: Raising Competent Teens Thursday, June 16, 6 - 7:30pm Register: Attend this seminar to learn how you can: Help your teen become a confident, competent young adult by: • Developing self-discipline • Being a good problem solver • Establishing routines • Getting involved in school activities • Following school rules • […]


Triple P Workshop: How to Prevent Interrupting

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: How to Prevent Interrupting Thursday, June 16, 6 - 7:30pm Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: Common reasons why young children interrupt adults Strategies to prevent interruptions from becoming a problem Tips to help children learn to keep themselves occupied while you […]


Seminario Triple P: Cómo Criar Hijos Resistentes

Zoom CA, United States

Seminario Triple P: Cómo Criar Hijos Resistentes Wednesday, June 22, 6 - 7:30pm Asista a este seminario virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender cómo ayudar a sus hijos a: • Expresar sentimientos de manera adecuada. • Desarrollar una perspectiva positiva. • Manejar situaciones estresantes de la vida. Inscríbase: Presentado en ESPAÑOL por Zoom. Este […]


Taller Triple P: Cómo evitar las interrupciones

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Cómo evitar las interrupciones Thursday, June23, 6 - 7:30pm Asista a este taller GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Causas comunes por las que los niños pequeños interrumpen a los adultos • Estrategias para prevenir que las interrupciones se conviertan en un problema • Consejos para ayudar a los niños a aprender […]


Triple P Workshop: Coping with Stress

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Coping with Stress Monday, June 27, 6 - 7:30pm Register: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes of stress, and how stress affects parenting • How to recognize signs of stress • Healthy ways to reduce and manage everyday stress Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom by Gladys […]


Triple P Seminar: Raising Confident, Competent Children

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Seminar: Raising Confident, Competent Children Wednesday, July 20, 6 - 7:30pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting seminar to learn how to help your children become confident and competent: • Learn to treat others with respect • Have good communication and social skills • Develop healthy self-esteem Register: Presented in ENGLISH on Zoom […]


Taller Triple P: Estableciendo límites saludables de tiempo de pantalla

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Estableciendo límites saludables de tiempo de pantalla Thursday, October 27, 6 - 7:30pm Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo el “tiempo de pantalla” puede afectar la salud y comportamiento de los niños • Consejos para establecer límites de tiempo de pantalla • Qué hacer si su […]


Taller Triple P: Ayudando a los niños con el trastorno de déficit de atención/hiperactividad (tdah) a ser exitosos en el hogar y la escuela

Zoom CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Ayudando a los niños con el trastorno de déficit de atención/hiperactividad (tdah) a ser exitosos en el hogar y la escuela Saturday, November 12, 1 - 2:30pm Inscríbase: Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS para aprender: • Cómo el TDAH afecta la salud, las conductas y las emociones de los niños […]


Triple P Workshop: Supporting Your Partner

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Supporting Your Partner Monday, November 14, 5:30 - 7pm Register: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn about: • Parenting issues that often cause disagreements between partners • How to take care of your relationship with your partner and create a positive family life • Tools to help partners support […]


Triple P Workshop: Building Children’s Communication & Problem-Solving Skills

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Building Children’s Communication & Problem-Solving Skills Monday, January 9, 5:30 - 7pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • How to teach children communication skills by talking, reading, singing & playing • How to teach your child to express emotions in healthy, appropriate ways • Tips for teaching children problem-solving […]


Triple P Stepping Stones Workshop: Morning & Bedtime Routines (for families with children with special needs)

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Stepping Stones Workshop: Morning & Bedtime Routines (for families with children with special needs) Monday, January 23, 5 - 6:30pm Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • How children with special needs benefit from having predictable routines • Tips for teaching your child to become more independent in their morning routine […]


Triple P Workshop: Coping with Stress

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: Coping with Stress Monday, March 27, 6 - 7:30 Register: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes of stress, and how stress affects parenting • How to recognize signs of stress • Healthy ways to reduce and manage everyday stress Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom by Cori […]


Triple P Workshop: It’s Time for Potty Training

Zoom CA, United States

Triple P Workshop: It's Time for Potty Training Monday, July 10, 5:30 - 7pm Register: Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • How to decide when your child is ready for potty (toilet) training • How to prepare your child to use the toilet • Tips to make potty training a positive […]


Taller Triple P: Cómo hablar con los adolescentes sobre el uso de las drogas

La Manzana Community Resources 521 Main Street,, Watsonville, CA, United States

Taller Triple P: Cómo hablar con los adolescentes sobre el uso de las drogas Tuesday, July 11,  6- 7:30pm Asista a este taller GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo reconocer las señas de alerta que su adolescente quizás esté usando drogas • Consejos para hablar con los adolescentes y enseñar a ellos a resistir […]
