Qingming Community Workday

Evergreen Cemetery 261 Evergreen St, Santa Cruz, CA

Qingming Community Workday Join the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH )Evergreen restoration team on a community workday to celebrate and honor the Chinese cultural holiday Qingming. The Qingming Festival, also called Tomb Sweeping Day or, literally, 'Pure Brightness' Festival in English, pays respect to ancestors and celebrates the warming weather of spring. […]


Santa Cruz County Virtual Math Festival

Virtual CA

Santa Cruz County Virtual Math Festival Sponsor: Alternative Family Education Math for fun, for 5th-8th graders! We are excited to announce the 2nd Santa Cruz County Virtual Math Festival!! Some of our students attended last year and had a good time! Saturday, May 8,  9:30-11:00AM on ZOOM (Registration is open | Registration Deadline - April […]