Event Series:
Tales 2 Tails Aptos
Tales 2 Tails Aptos
April 30 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Tales 2 Tails Aptos
Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:30 through July 9
Trained therapy dogs will be available at the Library to be attentive reading partners for children reading aloud.
Child must be 6-17 years old, and already reading to some degree.
Our volunteer handlers are there to provide support but are not trained reading instructors.
Appointments are required, please contact 831-427-7713 to make yours now.
If you have questions, e-mail rammerr@santacruzpl.org
Please Call 831-427-7713 to register. https://loom.ly/SkbcHxE