Santa Cruz SPCA Camps
Long Business Description

Santa Cruz SPCA Camps

This year’s camp will focus on sharing our world with animals, both domesticated and wild, to where “Save the Earth” is not just about the people but the plants and animals as well.  Students will learn how even the smallest things they do can affect the lives of animals for the better.  We will encourage a greater respect and understanding for how hard animals work to be successful in their environments even as we continue to change what those environments look like.

For our teen camp only, we will not only be talking about sharing our world, but we will also be taking a deep dive into how a shelter operates and get some hands-on experience trying on different shelter roles.

Each week of Camp runs from 9am to 3pm every day and total cost is $390.  We are currently unable to offer scholarships but are working toward this for future camps!

When signing up your students:

  • Please only sign up for only one week of camp!  Our camps are somewhat repetitive and are meant for one-week registration only!
  • Also, please make sure that you are signing up students in the right week for their age group.  Anyone joining an alternate week than their age allows must receive approval from our Humane Education Coordinator, 831-566-3753.

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