In Education, Family Support, Jr & High School, Locals Talk

Parents, Seniors and Juniors: What will Your Path Be After High School?

Although this short version of Sophia’s story examines the value of beginning with a community college after high school, families are families are thinking creatively of all options for paths to take after high school. Read the article, and then read parents’ comments:

  • Work
  • Work + Save for College
  • College 4 Year
  • Community College 2 Year -> Transfer to a 4 Year College
    Community College 2 Year -> Take courses leading to work
    Skilled Worker Training in Trades
  • Military
  • Gap Year: travel, volunteer

Local Parents express opinions in response to this article about the pros and cons of going to a community college after high school.

  • This is a great route for so many reasons. In addition to the financial benefits outlined in the
    article, it takes the academic pressure off of kids in high school.
  • My child had a 4.5 GPA. Here’s why she chose California community college. Undergraduate education costs have skyrocketed in the past few decades. Community college is often the better choice. Not all community colleges are created equal. There are some really great ones, especially.Cabrillo from what I hear from everyone who has gone there, but others that are not that good.
  • Both of my kids did 2 years at Cabrillo before transferring. I was so thankful they agreed with my thought that we should take that time to take a variety of classes and discover their direction.They, quickly, learned about what they did and didn’t want to pursue, without the pressure of having to stick to their first choice because we were spending piles of money on it. They were both able to graduate with BS degrees and a minimal amount of debt, which they have  already paid off.
  • Some kids either aren’t ready to or don’t want to leave home at 18 and that is just fine. We have an easy relationship, so him being at home is working well for now. He’s very busy and thriving at Cabrillo – and that’s all we care about. He’ll transfer in two years and we will have saved $100k. If there is a downside to community college, I’m not sure what it is.
  • I’m so happy my child has decided to go this route from the start as there is a better likelihood that she will get into her 1st choice school as a transfer student than an incoming freshman.
  • Many kids have difficulties their freshman year away from home. School course load plus new found freedom and extensive partying (which some may not have done in HS) makes for a sad start for the overachievers that get in right away.
  • I know A LOT of UCSC employees (faculty and staff) whose kids have gone to Cabrillo before transferring. Not all for the same reasons, but this is absolutely a viable and perfectly acceptable path. On the sort-of-flip side, UCSC has the Pister Scholarships for community college transfers,one for each of our partner colleges, which offers a serious chunk for two years to finish (hopefully) debt-free. Besides Cabrillo, there are a lot of fabulous community colleges here.
  • I worked with 2 very talented software engineers (one is now a Senior Software dev) who attended 2 years of community college and then transferred to UC. It’;s a great option!
  • THAT ARTICLE IS SPOT ON, as our family also proves: My daughter’s community college counselor asked why she hadn’t gone straight to Berkeley or UCLA given her GPA and 7 AP 4’s, 5’s, so she explained how she travelled last semester and wasn’t ready to move away. She will apply as a transfer next year with a guarantee of Davis, which is her current first choice, although we’re encouraging her to consider UCLA given her particular academic interests.
  • For us as parents, it has also been financially beneficial. Compare in today’s money estimated UC $50k/yr.Example: Total for 4 yr degree UC: 400k total; Total for CC/UC: 200k total.
  • Thanks for sharing this. I always encourage teens to consider community college. I went to community college straight out of high school, even though my grades were good. At 18, I didn’t know precisely when I wanted to do with my life (like MOST 18 year-olds) and couldn’t spend tons of money on the same required courses I would’ve been taking at a UC or CSU. I went toCollege of the Redwoods up in Humboldt and eventually to UCSC and continued on to grad school in my 30s. My experience in community college was the most formative and enjoyable.Those smaller classes, truly engaged teachers (many of whom also taught at the university) and exposure to both younger and older students were all so foundational for me. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
  • One of my girls got into UC Davis in high school, opted for Cabrillo honors program. TAG to UC Davis Fall 2024, which isn’t guaranteed by the way, even if you meet all criteria. So exciting!!! It was astonishing how many adults made crazy comments about that choice being less than optimal. We met with Rina Natkin and she highlighted the college trajectory with piled pens, rubber bands and anything else she could pile atop on her desk and that was such a validating gesture for my girl. Everyone’s path is unique. Trusting your child to do what’s right for them is key.
  • High school students can also gain credits at the CCs, dual credits… just saying.
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